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Creating interactive Physics lessons using the Nodes app in MultiTeach®

Snowflake MultiTeach is a powerful tool for teaching and learning, ideal for harnessing rich multimedia content, standards-aligned informational resources such as e-books, and online resources such as educational subscriptions, videos, simulations, games, and websites. Teachers can collaborate with...

A teacher’s guide for the Media app in Snowflake MultiTeach®

What it does Media is a digital content viewer that can be used in the classroom for showcasing and interacting with pictures, videos and PDF brochures. It is easy to add your own content to allow students and teachers to share things with others.

A teacher’s guide for the Zones app in Snowflake MultiTeach®

What it does Zones is an app which leverages the multi-user aspect of Snowflake MultiTeach® Zones allows users to divide the Snowflake interface in different layouts, so that multiple apps can be used simultaneously in different sections of the screen.

A teacher’s guide for the Nodes app in Snowflake MultiTeach®

What it does Teachers can use the Nodes app to provide interactive educational experiences that can be accessed by two or more students at a time. Each node supports the import and presentation of pictures, videos, and PDF files.

Discover the Math apps in Snowflake MultiTeach®

Snowflake MultiTeach® is a suite of over 30 collaborative apps and tools designed for multi-user interaction on touch screen displays and surfaces. This post, and the featured “how-to” video, provides an overview that will get you and your students up and running with the apps found in the Math...

Discover the Puzzles and Creative apps in Snowflake MultiTeach®

Snowflake MultiTeach® ships with over thirty collaborative educational apps designed for use on touch screen displays. This post, along with the accompanying “how-two” video, provides an overview that will get you and your students up and running with the apps found in the Puzzles and Creative...

(Video) Discover the collaborative Media app in Snowflake MultiTeach®

The Media app is one of the apps inside the Snowflake MultiTeach® educational touchscreen software. The above video demonstrates how digital content can be imported, organized, accessed, and presented within the Media App.

(Video) Discover the Geometry lesson type from Snowflake MultiTeach®

The Geometry lesson type is one of the 15 lesson types that can be found in the Lessons app inside the Snowflake MultiTeach® educational touchscreen software. The geometry lesson type is ideal for introducing measurement and geometric concepts to students.

How to MultiTeach®: Introduction to Snowflake MultiTeach® Nodes App

The Snowflake MultiTeach® Nodes application is an interactive collaborative tool that can be used by teachers and students for concept mapping, brainstorming ideas with digital content, and presentations. The Nodes app's multi-modal features can support teaching and learning across all subject...


