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New Curriculum Available for NUITEQ Snowflake

NUITEQ adds K-5 Curriculum for English, Science, and New K-8 Curriculum for Math NUITEQ is proud and excited to announce the availability of more standards-aligned educational content for Math, English Language Arts (ELA), and Science that is aligned to the latest Common Core State Standards (CCSS)...

Behind the Scenes: Creating Curriculum in NUITEQ Snowflake

How does the NUITEQ Snowflake Team produce lesson activities that engage students while also saving teachers time? We provide a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of standard-aligned NUITEQ Snowflake Curriculum. Learn how curriculum is made to align with standards such as the Next Generation...

NUITEQ Snowflake Improves Teacher Dashboard

Skellefteå, Sweden, 24 November 2022 – NUITEQ®, a collaborative software company that is constantly striving to enhance the experience of teaching and learning, announces a new release of the browser based version of NUITEQ Snowflake, that improves the Teacher dashboard and adds new...

Supporting All Students with NUITEQ Snowflake

Teachers use Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to engage all students in their classroom by allowing learners to observe and express their understanding of the curriculum in multiple ways. The video below demonstrates the accessibility features built into every NUITEQ Snowflake lesson activity...

NUITEQ Snowflake Empowers Students to Create their Own Learning Path

Research conducted by the university of Lund in Sweden has shown that there are three important indicators that teachers should take into consideration before they decide which digital learning resource to invest in: The resource discourages the use of the trial-and-error method, where students...

Brain Breaks with NUITEQ Snowflake

Many teachers have encountered a moment in their classroom when their students are just DONE. Teachers can easily recognize the signs when students have reached the point of mental exhaustion. In my own experience as a teacher, those signs became a warning that I had to do something to get my...

Enhance Student Creativity with NUITEQ Snowflake

Teachers are recognized for their ability to deliver educational content that meets specific academic standards. In addition to being masters of their curriculum, teachers also strive to help their students become creative, critical thinkers. The ease of creating Lesson Activities on Snowflake.Live...

NUITEQ and Cleura expand the range of legal digital meeting options to public Sweden

Skellefteå, Sweden, 29 August 2022 – NUITEQ®, a collaborative software company that enables educational institutions to add value through smarter human interaction, and the European cloud provider Cleura, announced that NUITEQ has chosen to run its Swedish digital meeting service on Cleura's...

NUITEQ Snowflake Adds Single Sign On Integrations

Skellefteå, Sweden, 17 August 2022 – NUITEQ®, a collaborative software company that enables educational institutions to add value through smarter human interaction, announces a new release of NUITEQ Snowflake (the desktop version) and (the online version) that improves integration...


