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Boost Your Teaching Efficiency with the Award-Winning NUITEQ Chorus AI Assistant

Spending hours on creating classroom materials, struggling to cater to diverse learning needs, and searching for ways to truly engage and captivate students’ attention? NUITEQ Chorus’s AI Assistant is here to transform the way teachers plan and prepare for classroom instruction by helping them...

AI in EdTech: NUITEQ's Innovation Lab

NUITEQ® is a Swedish collaborative software company that enables people, teams, educational institutions, businesses, and government organizations to add value through smarter human interaction. At NUITEQ, we understand the importance of nurturing creativity and staying at the forefront of...

3 Lessons for Education from AMII AI Week

If Artificial Intelligence (AI) is impacting automation in the workplace then it is important to stay on top of research trends to know what skills we need to be focused on in Education. NUITEQ participated in the 2022 AMII AI Week in Edmonton, Canada and we wanted to share three main takeaways...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Internship At NUITEQ

One of NUITEQ's Educational Technology Specialists, Stuart Garbutt, who is also a full-time teacher, tipped NUITEQ that one of his brilliant students was interested in joining the company for an internship to enjoy the opportunity of working in an office environment.

The Rise of AI in Personalized Learning

In this #EdOnEdtech following video, Dr. ET discusses the past, present, and future of AI as told by those who are shaping the definition of personalized learning. Learn about the history of individualized learning from Maria Montessori, John Dewey, BF Skinner, and Sidney Pressey.


