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5 Reasons You Should Invest in EdTech Software

Ever since I started working in education, first as a teacher and later as an Education Technology Coach at NUITEQ, I have met teachers with varying attitudes when it comes to technology in schools in general and EdTech in particular. Some are completely against the idea that technology should be...

Employee Training in a Remote World

Even prior to COVID-19, remote working was steadily becoming a more prevalent part of the commercial environment. However, the pandemic has served as a catalyst for change, and in this case, it pushed many companies toward adopting work from home practices which may have taken longer to explore...

Will Remote Learning Ever Become the Standard in Education?

Early in spring 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic started gathering speed and spreading uncontrollably around the globe. Many governments responded by shutting down schools and switching to remote learning or hybrid models. As a result, teachers were required to come up with ways to ensure the continued...


