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Natural User Interface Europe AB featured in Wired article

Natural User Interface Europe AB briefly got featured in a Wired article about N-Trigs innovative multi-touch hardware platform.

Arcstream Multi-touch Wall at Butterfly Night Chimera

NUI's OEM Partner Arcstream AV, that integrated NUI Suite Snowflake on their own multi-touch displays, demonstrated their product the Multi-touch Wall at Butterfly Night Chimera in the UK.

Natural User Interface Multi-touch Summit, sponsored by Adobe, 9th of May, Munich, Germany

Natural User Interface featured in Pulse Magazine (Singapore)

Natural User Interface got featured in the April edition of Pulse Magazine for partnering with Raffles Education, the largest private education group in Asia.

Twitter update from Natural User Interface

Below a summary of the Natural User Interface Multi-touch Twitter update 14th of April - 28th of April.

Natural User Interface featured in Swedish business magazine with 67" multi-touch table

Last week Natural User Interface Europe AB got featured in Våra Pengar (Our Money) a Swedish business magazine, with its 67" multi-touch table.

Microsoft Surface pain in the neck to setup according to Engadget

Microsoft's Surface has been shipping out to corporate customers for a year now, but we haven't heard much about the backend setup of the $17,000 table -- sure, we know it's fun when it's up and running all those custom apps, but what's it like after the unboxing? Incredibly frustrating, says FD...

Interactive Displays Conference San Jose

MT2 Table from Ideum or Surface from Microsoft

I believe this picture says it all.

NUI and Arcstream partner on a project for Lockheed Martin

Natural User Interface Europe AB (NUI) and Arcstream AV partnered to serve aerospace and defense contractor Lockheed Martin, with multi-touch technology.

NUI's multi-touch daily operations Twitter update

Below a summary of the Natural User Interface Multi-touch Twitter update 5th of April - 14th of April.

DB Systems' multi-touch systems shipping now

NUI's OEM Partner DB Systems, that integrates NUI Suite Snowflake on their own multi-touch hardware platform, are now shipping their solutions.

Natural User Interface Europe AB gives away 1 free pass to IDC

Natural User Interface Europe AB, the sole sponsor of wireless internet for IDC in San Jose is giving away 1 free pass to the technical conference on April 22-23 and 1 free pass to the pre-conference seminar on April 21.

Natural User Interface Europe AB sponsors Interactive Displays Conference in San Jose

Natural User Interface Europe AB, headquartered in Sweden, will be the exclusive sole sponsor of the wireless internet at the Interactive Displays Conference in San Jose, USA.

NUI assists National University of Singapore during its 4th NUS Arts Festival (NAF) with its innovative multi-touch technology

NUI assists National University of Singapore during its 4th NUS Arts Festival (NAF) with its innovative multi-touch technology

NUI's partner Ideum wins an award for their multi-touch product

NUI's OEM partner Ideum, which uses NUI Suite Snowflake on their MT2 Multitouch, Multiuser Table, received a New Mexico Technology Soluttion award for their product.

Natural User Interface Twitter update 28 March - 5 April

Below a summary of the Natural User Interface Multi-touch Twitter update 28 March - 5 of April

Children love NUI Suite Snowflake

One of NUI's educational partners, K3 School of Arts and Communication at Malmö University (Sweden) demonstrated NUI Suite Snowflake on their own multi-touch table, called Rosie, that 1scale1 developed as part of their thesis work.


