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Stay up to date with the latest news from NUITEQ


NUITEQ wins Innovation Company of the Year 2010 award

Natural User Interface Technologies AB (NUITEQ) wins the Innovation Company of the Year 2010 award at the Alvar Gala.

Snowflake Suite featured on BBC

The high-tech world portrayed in the films Quantum of Solace and Minority Report could soon be commonplace in the boardroom.

The importance of setting accurate expectations

The importance of setting accurate expectations

Snowflake Suite on 100" multi-touch wall

Mediateam from Ukraine shot this video of Snowflake Suite on a 100" multi-touch wall

NUITEQ nominated for Innovation Company of the Year award

NUITEQ is nominated in the category for the award Innovation Company of the Year, for the Alvar gala.

Wacom To Show Unlimited Finger Touch System Prototype At CES


