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NUI Twitter update 14-28 February

Natural User Interface Twitter update 14-28 Feb

NUI partner Ideum installs Multitouch Table and Mapping Exhibit

Natural User Interface's (NUI) partner Ideum installed a multitouch table and mapping exhibit.

NUI Twitter update 2-13 Feb

You can find NUI’s Twitter at www.twitter.com/multitouch

Ideum launches Multitouch Blogs, sponsored by Natural User Interface

NUI's partner Ideum launched a new initiative called Multitouch Blogs, sponsored by NUI.

Press release NUI Ideum partnership online

US based Ideum Inc. signed an OEM Partnership with Sweden based Natural User Interface, to integrate NUI Suite Snowflake on their mt2 table, a multi-user multi-touch interactive table for museums and exhibitions.

NUI Suite Snowflake video

Update 15:35h:

NUI OEM Partner Ideum releases new robust multi-touch table with NUI Suite Snowflake

Update Friday 6 Feb: NUI and Ideum also hit PC Magazine (PC Mag) http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2340474,00.asp

NUI mentioned in Computer Sweden as a Swedish alternative to Microsoft Surface

Computer Sweden, a leading Swedish IT magazine, today dedicated an article to NUI's offering, of a Swedish alternative to Microsoft Surface.

NUI Twitter Highlights of last week

You can find NUI's Twitter atwww.twitter.com/multitouch


