We are happy to let you know that today, only 2 weeks after we released Snowflake 4.4, we are releasing version 4.5 of our award-winning multitouch software Snowflake.
And you might think, wow thats in fast succession, and yes indeed, we are on a roll. Our dedicated and passionate developers work hard every day to make Snowflake an even better experience for you. Thats why we have created almost 50 Snowflake releases in over 7 years of development.
This Snowflake 4.5 release is another major leap forward, especially from a multi-user multitouch collaboration standpoint.
We added Stage, a new application for presentation purposes in the Business edition, that'll take engaging with your audience to the next level.
Another amazing capability that we added to Snowflake Business is the truly multi-user multitouch content collaboration. Send content from the Media app, to another Media app, on a secondary display and work together on the fly.
On top of that, we created also a ton of other powerful new goodies that are available across Snowflake Business and Entertainment.
And you know what the great thing is? We are making all of these beautiful additions available at no additional cost to our existing customers, resellers and partners. Yes thats right, you can upgrade cost free.
Below you find some highlights of this release described in more detail.
Send images, videos and PDFs to a secondary display from within Media.

We have created a powerful new capability related to the Media app. We developed a new application called Stage. Imagine using the Media app on a touchscreen. On that very same computer that you have that touchscreen connected, you can connect a secondary display, like for example a presentation video wall. Then accordingly you can send content from the Media app to Stage and show it fullscreen on the secondary display.
Video tutorial - Stage - A secondary display app for presentation purposes within Multitouch software Snowflake from multitouch software on Vimeo.
This is ideal for presentation situations, training, workgroup discussions and brainstorming sessions.
More info about Stage you can find on our wiki here.
Media sharing between apps
We have integrated the industry unique ability to send content (images, videos & PDFs) from a Media app to another Media app, in Zones. So users can connect 2 or more touch screens to the same computer and be able to share content between the different screens.
Image: Send content between different apps and other displays on the same computer, using Zones.
Also this is ideal for collaboration situations, training, workgroup discussions and brainstorming sessions.
Also check out the video tutorial that describes this capability in more detail here.
Read more info about this on our wiki here.
Widgets, widgets and even more widgets and did I say widgets? :)
The home screen of Snowflake, already had support in previous versions for several widgets, including Weather, MyFeed (customisable text, including RSS), Clock, Twitter and Stocks.
You can customise the menu layout and place the menu and widgets however you want.
For 4.5, we have added 8 brand new widgets including: Instagram, the popular social media photo app, Foreign currency, World clock, Image, Video, Slideshow, Text and Calculator. Snowflake feels now even more like a highly customisable desktop. I'll explain the widgets in more detail below.
Set your corporate Instagram account as the default, to show people that are interacting with your touchscreen, your latest product photos for example.
Foreign currency
The Foreign currency widget is ideal for uses in public spaces where tourists are present, such as train stations, hotels, shopping malls and airports.
World clock
Want to show the time in different times zones? You can now do that. Your corporation might for example have offices in Seoul, London, New York and San Francisco. Colleagues can immediately see what time it is at the offices around the world. A typical usage scenario for this widget would be in reception areas of larger corporations, banks and public spaces where tourists visit, such as train stations, hotels and airports.
Image and video
Just want to be able to show people that are interacting with your touchscreen a specific video or images, such as your company logo positioned on the Snowflake home screen? Then these 2 widgets are the right tools.
As a company, in your corporate reception area, you might want to present visitors with a series of videos and photos about your products or company, while they are waiting. Inform your audience and keep them engaged with your brand. We believe this is a great alternative, compared to visitors potentially feeling annoyed, because they have to sit and wait in an area.
This widget is beautifully simple. You can for example customise a static message on the Snowflake home screen to welcome your customers or to provide a message of the day.
In case you want to use Snowflake as your customisable desktop where you often need a calculator handy, we created this easy to access feature for those of you that work a lot with numbers.
More info about the Widgets, you can find on our wiki here.
Below you find the detailed change log / release notes:
- Added Instagram widget
- Added Foreign currency widget
- Added World clock widget
- Added Image widget
- Added Video widget
- Added Slideshow widget
- Added Text widget
- Added Calculator widget
- Added new full screen presentation application Stage (send images, videos & PDFs from Media app, to secondary display)
- Added capability to send content (images, videos & PDFs) from the Media app to another Media app, in Zones, on the same computer
- Added support for Chinese keyboard layout
- Added option in Configurator to unlink Dropbox for Media
- Added translation capability in the Configurator for emailing Annotations
- Fixed a crash in Configurator
- Fixed a crash in Bugs
- Fixed a bug in RSS feed
- Fixed a highscore override bug with in Warp when playing in Zones
- Fixed a bug in Draw related to the e-mail dialog
- Fixed a tiny bug in Browser with extreme long URLs
- Improved the UX in Stocks, PDF, Browser, MyFeed, Connledge and 3D
- Improved the trial/evaluation version experience by increase the time for pop-ups to appear
- Other general improvements and fixes related to the the Snowflake core
Snowflake has seen almost 50 public releases in over 7 years of development. You can check out the long list of improvements in the change logs / release notes here.
You can download Snowflake here.
Request your temporary evaluation license key today, via mail@nuiteq.com.
Kind regards,