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Video: Customised multitouch software Snowflake Suite by Korea based AVA Vision

NUITEQ's Korean Partner AVA Vision recorded this video (no audio) of multitouch software Snowflake Suite running on their innovative multi-user multitouch displays.

Multitouch software Snowflake Suite by AVA VISION from multitouch software on Vimeo.

One of the benefits of Snowflake is the high degree of flexibility when it comes to customising the look and feel of the software, simply by replacing the default content.

AVA Vision has given Snowflake a completely unique branded feel to fit perfectly with their customers scenario.

The video also includes custom developed multitouch apps that NUITEQ designed and created for AVA Vision, as well as AVA Visions own developed applications.

For more information, please visit nuiteq.com, snowflakesuite.com or avavision.co.kr