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Wicked video of touch technology by Corning

One of NUITEQ's customers Corning Incorporated, the world leader in specialty glass and ceramics, created this wicked video of touch technology concepts.

A Day Made of Glass 2: Same Day. Expanded Corning Vision.

Videos like these make me really appreciate that I live in 2012, its so exciting to see the future unfold in front of your eyes.

Its just a matter of time that all of these concepts will become a reality really soon.

In my opinion these rapidly emerging experiences will massively contribute to how we develop ourselves (education) and how we improve the way we are living (making life easier and even more delightful).

One app that created big delight for me this weekend when it comes to my home entertainment is Plex, the home entertainment streaming video tool, go check it out. It makes your life easier and even though many consider this wireless video streaming technology "normal" it really amazed me of how well it works and how delightful it was to have this solution.