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NUITEQ launches online store and Snowflake Suite 1.9 version upgrade

Multi-touch software applications store launched

We are delighted to announce, that we have launched our online multi-touch software applications store.

The store will allows users to purchase our products in an simple, efficient and most of all safe manner.

Payments by credit card (Visa, Mastercard and American Express) are supported, as well as Paypal.

We always aim to improve the service towards our clients and partners. With our newly launched online store, our users can feel safe when purchasing our software products and get started with this technology the same day.

At the same time we are reducing our administration overhead, allowing us to funnel those resources straight into enhancing our products further and supporting our partners and clients.

Snowflake Suite 1.9 version upgrade released


The release of the 1.9 upgrade encompasses speed improvements, increased stability, bug fixes, graphics updates and additional user interaction improvements, based on extensive field testing research.

A Piano application has been added to the Suite, after large demand for this application from our clients and partners.

The application Draw has been completely rewritten from the ground up and enjoys many new true multi-touch functionalities.

Application Connledge is no longer in alpha phase and is now officially released.

Connledge is a multi-touch zoomable wiki interface, that allows user to dive into information streams. Online and offline (XML) database support is integrated.

We have been working closely with PT Grey, a worldwide leader in the development of advanced CCD and CMOS FireWire, USB, GigE and CamerLink digital cameras for machine, industrial and computer vision.

Snowflake has integrated native support for the PT Grey FlyCapture driver, now supporting all PT Grey cameras, including USB cameras.

Snowflake Suite is compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7. Supported multi-touch hardware technology platforms include: Wacom, PQ Labs, 3M, N-trig (HP, Dell, Lenovo, Toshiba laptops), NextWindow, Nexio, Lumio, dreaMTouch, Radartouch, rear camera based systems and more.

A free trial version of Snowflake Suite and the Snowflake SDK can be downloaded from the our corporate website located at www.nuiteq.com

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