Natural User Interface Twitter update 14-28 Feb
You can find NUI’s Twitter at
Below a summary of NUI’s Twitter 14-28 Feb
Last week developed a customized multi-touch software media viewer application for a demonstration mid of March in Asia
Preparing for CEBIT Hanover Germany next week (4 and 5 March)
NUI has been showcasing on some events in Singapore the last 2 weeks for several clients
NUI partner Ideum installs MT2 Table and Mapping Exhibit
We improved the speed performance of data content loading for our PDF viewer, which is part of Snowflake
Finished multi-touch software customization project today for client in Spain
Finalized the development for integrated FLOSC inside the NextWindow plugin for Snowflake for faster Flash applications performance
Just ordered my travel tickets for CEBIT in Hanover, Germany. Will be visiting 4 and 5 of March.