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Videos of our NUI Framework software package

I uploaded a couple of low quality video's of the NUI Framework we have been developing in c++, displayed on our improved sensitive, no hard pressure multi-touch table. As a matter of fact, I can generate input on it by blowing from a short distance. BTW we didn't sand or polish the edges of the acrylic of our FTIR setup at all, so I guess the whole sanding and polishing thing is just a myth, because it works like a charm. As a matter of fact, this is the best FTIR setup we have developed until now.

Draw application within the NUI Framework while using a regular pen. Basically you can draw with any object.

One of the games called Wong (Wall pong) we have been developing within the NUI Framework

Here a couple of applications within the NUI Framework, like Viewer, Smoke, Bugs, Draw and Pong.