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Audio sequencer hackday project based on Snowflake

Here at NUITEQ we stimulate innovation and creative thinking. We allow our software engineers to spend a certain amount of their time working on their own ideas, the so called hackdays. These hackdays don’t have to be related to Snowflake, multitouch technology or Natural User Interfaces, which is what NUITEQ is all about. We are really true believers of this kind of creative freedom and flexibility as it allows the brilliant minds of these ridiculously talented people, to make their own thoughts a reality, opposed to only working on product related projects or customer development projects.

The rules of a NUITEQ hackday project:
- It has to be a rough crude prototype/hack, so it doesn’t have to be a flawlessly working finished end product
- Spend max 2 work days on the project
- Create a short 2-3 min crude video of the project to showcase the work
- Make sure to have fun and learn something new

- Project description -
One of our software engineers Simon created an audio sequencer as his hackday project, using the Snowflake platform as its base.
Its essentially a grid of squares that can be activated and deactivated.
A pulse runs through the grid and plays audio based on which squares are activated.
Click or drag select the squares in this fun and creative app to play music.
There are a couple of basic tools available to change the speed of the pulse, as well as the option to clear the grid or increase and decrease the grid size.

- Potential next steps -
If this project would be further developed, some improvements that Simon envisions are:

- Actual graphics
- Choose different audio files, so that there are more instruments than the piano
- Save and load system
- Test Multiple simultaneous inputs, multitouch should already work, but there was no time left to test it
- Add more settings in general

Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Please note that this is a project and what you see in the video is not actually part of the Snowflake product range till date.