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Snowflake Suite multitouch software version update 2.0.6 released

NUITEQ has released the Snowflake Suite 2.0.6 version update

Changes include:

- Fixed the MinSize & MaxSize settings in Media Viewer
- Fixed issue with sorting applications in the Configuration Editor
- Fixed an issue with the corner menus in Qt based applications (Browser)
- Fixed minor issues with the PDF Viewer slider
- Fixed issue with the logging folder on Mac
- Fixed an issue with the shaders in 3D Viewer on Mac
- Added settings for the menu bar in Browser
- Added settings for default font in Config.cfg

If you have already installed Snowflake Suite 2.0 or a later version on your system, you can simply update to the latest 2.0.6 version by using the Auto Updater that comes pre-installed with Snowflake.

If you have any questions or feedback about Snowflake, please let us know here.

To learn more about the changes we have made to Snowflake throughout the years, check the Change Log on the NUITEQ Support Wiki here.

If you haven’t already installed Snowflake before, you can download a free evaluation version here.