TCEA 2018 recap videos

Written by Alina Chioran | February 22, 2018

In the beginning of February, NUITEQ’s partner, Clear Touch Interactive, exhibited at the TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association) convention and exposition.

In the Clear Touch Interactive videos above, you can see an overview of TCEA 2018, as well as conference visitors interacting with Snowflake MultiTeach on the Clear Touch displays.

The next conference where you can try out Snowflake MultiTeach on the Clear Touch Interactive panels is NCTIES (North Carolina Technology in Education Society), which will be held in North Carolina, US, February 28 - March 2. Fill out our contact form here, if you want to schedule a meeting.

If you were inspired, and want to test out Snowflake MultiTeach, download the 14 days FREE trial by clicking the button below: