Our Experience As Finalists For The AV Awards 2018

Written by Alina Chioran | November 28, 2018

This year, NUITEQ’s Snowflake MultiTeach was a finalist in the category Collaboration Environment of the Year at the Steampunk-themed AV Awards 2018 Gala in London, UK.

In the above video, Dr. Edward Tse, NUITEQ's Director of Strategy, takes us along on his journey from Canada to the UK and shows us his experience at the AV Awards 2018.

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About Ed On EdTech

The Ed on EdTech YouTube channel was created to provide a first-hand account of Education around the world. The host, Dr. Edward Tse has been working in the field of Educational Technology for over ten years and interviews key thought leaders in Technology, Education, and Research.

There are so many opinions about Education on the web. Dr. Edward Tse believes that first-hand experiences are the best way to learn about Education. He seeks a broad range of opinions from around the world, and his vlog recognizes the impact of video on education. Thought leaders share stories about collaboration in the classroom, how they encouraged critical thinking skills and helped students harness their creative potential. Subscribe to see a first-hand account of Education from Classrooms around the World, and hear directly from the Global EdTech Leaders!

About Dr. Edward Tse

Dr. Edward Tse’s passion is using research to make education fun. He holds over 50 Utility and Design patent filings and is the primary inventor of the first MultiTouch Table Product for Education: The SMART Table. He uses research to apply emerging technology trends to education so teachers can spend more time connecting with students and less time on content delivery.

His YouTube channel, Ed on Ed Tech, shows how current technologies such as Memojis and Google Duplex will impact both work and education. He has traveled extensively in Africa, Asia, Europe, as well as North and South America to gain first-hand experience of Education around the world and to share those experiences with teachers, parents, and policymakers on his YouTube channel.

At leading EdTech conferences he connects with Keynote speakers to share best practices in teaching and apply them to the Product Roadmap at NUITEQ®. As Director of Strategy at NUITEQ, Dr. Edward Tse focuses on improving learning using the most popular Educational videos and enabling creative expression using lightweight tools on mobile devices.