Meet NUITEQ's Team: Pontus Sundström

Written by Alina Chioran | January 16, 2020

The success of our company relies on the strengths of our employees. At NUITEQ, we take pride in combining our Swedish heritage with the influences of Asian, Latin American and North American cultures to create a unique office environment.

We want to showcase our amazing team members, and this week, we'd like to introduce you to our Digital Media Specialist, Pontus Sundström.

Q: Hi Pontus, please tell our readers a bit about yourself.

A: Hey, my name is Pontus and I’m a 27-year-old guy from the north of Sweden. I live together with my girlfriend, Sanna, our three cats, and a lizard. Since 2007, I’ve basically been living my life on YouTube. Having created one of Sweden's first big YouTube channels, being one of the first to join a YouTube Partner Network and having also made a living off of YouTube - it’s something that always surrounds me; so you could say I’m a movie-guy.

Q: What can you tell us about your role in the company? What do you like most about your job? What do you like least?

A: My role as a Digital Media Specialist involves me editing and filming videos for our company products. I also try to put a lot of effort into planning, giving advice and knowledge regarding video and overall, working to improve our company’s reach and interaction within the video format, which is the future.

The best part about my job is that I’m doing video and editing - it’s been my passion for so many years - and I also feel the importance of what I’m doing.

My least favorite part about my job would probably be when something “heavy” has been filmed and it needs to be edited. Just staring at a screen, working on the same project for an extended period of time, is something I’m not very fond of, but at the same time, it’s often hard to get away from. When that happens, I try to find other small tasks to sort of give me a break from whatever I’m editing.

Q: What motivates you to succeed in your role?

A: I think my strongest motivation is to always try new things and evolve, to find improvements and to achieve success with whatever it is I'm doing. I’ve made many mistakes in my career and I always try to learn from them and use them as a way forward. Trial and error is something that is quite important regarding videos on YouTube for example. So I’m always motivated to test out new ideas, learn new concepts and implement those concepts within my role at NUITEQ.

Q: How do you occupy your free time and what are you passionate about?

A: In my spare time, I record videos with my friend as much as possible, and when I’m not, I usually play games or give endless love to my cats. I love horror movies and exploring abandoned haunted houses as well; something I’m currently doing on my channel “Swedish Ghost Lovers”. It’s scary, but I get a kick out of it.

Q: Where would you like to travel to in 2020?

A: I’m a rare case within the subject of traveling. I actually don't enjoy traveling. I love Skellefteå, my hometown, and just the thought of getting on an airplane or doing a road trip longer than 2 hours makes me nervous. I’ve been to Spain, Thailand, Uganda, Norway etc., but it’s not something I enjoy. I rather stay at home, close to nature and my camera.

Q: What’s your favorite food?

I would say fish, overall. But if it’s a specific dish or food, I would say “Smörgåstårta”.

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