How to access and use lessons from the Special Needs category

Written by Alina Chioran | May 02, 2018

Snowflake MultiTeach and Lessons Online support the learning of all students, including those who have special needs. Teachers can create engaging, customized lessons that incorporate sound, images, and text. Some lesson types, such as Rounds, and Guess provide a way to increase the level of challenge for the student for each round, a good way to scaffold learning experiences.

If you are a busy teacher of young children, with little time to create new lessons, you’ll be interested in exploring the Special Needs section in the MultiTeach Lessons Community. Many popular lessons have been updated and now include audio, which is great for students who benefit from multi-modal instruction.

Some of the lessons in the Special Needs category come in different versions -- with text, without text, pictures with audio, picture-to-picture, and so forth. This supports an important principle of Universal Design for LearningMultiple Means of Representation, a strategy that works well for most students, regardless of ability.

As you look through the lessons in the Special Needs category MultiTeach Lessons Community, you’ll notice that some of them are designated as “YTLL”. This indicates that the lesson is linked to an engaging YouTube video that relates to the lesson topic.

Lesson descriptions, example standards, suggestions for using the lessons, and links to videos and related resources can be found on the MultiTeach Lessons Community. To access this information and find multimodal lessons that are suitable for young students with special needs, use the “All Subjects” filter and select “Special Needs” from the drop-down menu.

This will lead you to a grid that contains lessons have been designated for special needs. Most of these lessons have been created from existing lessons that are located by level and subject in the MultiTeach Lessons Community, which is good for inclusive or co-teaching classrooms.

Select a lesson’s title, which will lead you to the lesson’s description, with links. Below is a description of a lesson about the five senses found in the Special Needs category of the MultiTeach Lessons Community.

These, and other, lessons can be accessed and displayed through Lessons Online and sent to students who have iPads or other 1:1 devices. Information about setting up classes and sending lessons and lesson lists can be found on the NUITEQ Support Wiki. Detailed information about Lessons Online is available in NUITEQ’s Lessons Online Video Tutorial Playlist.

Another way to use these lessons is through the Snowflake MultiTeach Lesson App. To access the lessons designated for special needs students, from the Lessons home screen, click at the top of the screen to search for lessons on the MultiTeach Lessons Community. Then go to the Subject heading and select “Special needs” from the drop-down box.

After making the selection, the lessons under the Special Needs category will appear in the right column as a list. Select the green download button to import the lesson into the MultiTeach Lessons app. After download, the lesson thumbnail will appear at the top of the column. Select it to open it in edit or full screen mode.

The Zones feature in MultiTeach supports simultaneous and sequential access to educational content and extends the impact of individual lessons during learning activities.

In the example below, the Nodes app depicts concept map related to the five senses and corresponds with related lessons from the MultiTeach that are suitable for younger learners. The interactive lessons on the right side of the screen are from the Special Needs category in the MultiTeach Lessons Community.

The content in each zone can be accessed in full screen mode by selecting an icon in the zone’s side menu bar.

Below is a video that demonstrates how the Zones feature can be used to enhance educational content for all students, including those with special needs, using content from an instructional unit about the 5 senses.


Universal Design for Learning

Multiple Means of Representation

MultiTeach Lessons Community

Inclusive Classrooms

Co-teaching classrooms

Lessons Online

NUITEQ Support Wiki

Lessons Online Video Tutorial Playlist