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Dr. Edward Tse appointed to ACM ISS Conference Steering Committee


The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS) conference is a premier conference for academic and industry research related to interaction around large interactive displays and pervasive surfaces. The ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces conference started in 2006 and was formerly known as the Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces conference.

Dr. Edward Tse has been a long time contributor, reviewer, and organizing committee member as Industry Chair and Publicity Chair for the ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces conference. He has focused on the practical application of natural user interfaces such as multi-touch tables for students and teachers. After serving as the Publicity Chair for the 2017 Interactive Surfaces and Spaces conference in Brighton, UK Dr. Tse was appointed to the Steering Committee of the ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces conference.

I’m excited about the practical potential of natural user interfaces in our everyday lives at home, at work, and at school. Participating in the ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Steering Committee will help us bring about exciting research in many domains of practice such as Architecture, Museums, and of course Education.”, sais Dr. Edward Tse, NUITEQ® Education Strategy Director and member of the AMC ISS steering comitee. 

To learn more about the ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference please visit their website. Also, be sure to check out some of the coolest research from ISS last year by clicking the button below:

See ISS research