3...2...1...Liftoff to Nordsken!

Written by Alina Chioran | May 27, 2019

Similar to Comic-Con in the US, Nordsken is a meeting place for everyone who likes innovation, technology, games, culture, and creativity.

Nordsken is taking place in the North of Sweden, between 30 May – 1 June at the Skellefteå Kraft Arena. Learn more about the activities, this year’s guests and the event’s schedule at

NUITEQ has been involved with the event for many years as an exhibitor and sponsor. As a company that promotes creativity through its products, it is just natural for us to be part of this event.

I’m a big fan of the event Nordsken, as it is all about creativity and having fun. We have been involved with the event for over a decade. We’re looking forward to show how we make learning fun through gaming, using our Snowflake software.“, says NUITEQ CEO and co-founder Harry van der Veen. He adds: “For this event, as a part of our corporate social responsibility program, for every teacher that talks to us at the event, we will donate 250 SEK on their behalf, which will go towards personal protection alarms for girls and women, that we will hand out in Skellefteå.

After a long journey through the Nordsken galaxy, the NUITEQ spaceship landed on booth M12. Our astronauts made booth M12 their home and set it up to show you how you can #MakeEducationFun through game-based activities. With a base in Educational Technology, our astronauts will be showcasing NUITEQ’s Snowflake solution for an interactive and engaged classroom.

If you’re a curious parent or teacher, looking for innovative ways to share knowledge with your children or students, we’ll be waiting for you in the NUITEQ space.

If you’re a student, come by to discover how technology can make learning as fun as a game.

Keep an eye out for the Golden Ticket!

While at the event, someone might give you a golden ticket, or maybe you’ll find it in an unexpected place. If you do, head over to the NUITEQ booth M12 and hand it over to our astronauts in exchange for a goodie bag.

We hope to see you in Nordsken space!

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